Information of the School Required to be uploaded on School Website
1.Name of the School with address :(Strictly as per Affiliation sanction letter or as permitted by the Board) with pin code no.( i ) E-mail( ii ) Ph. No.( iii ) Fax No.The Doon Grammar School Plot no. E-8, Tehri Visthapit, Chetra Village Athoorwala . Bhaniyawala,Distt. Dehradun,Uttarakhanddoongrammarschool@yahoo.com0135-2410362
2.Year of establishment of school15-June-2001
3.Whether NOC from State/UT or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained?( i ) NOC No.( ii ) NOC issuing dateNOC from State Govt.
4.Is the school recognized, if yes by which authority
5.Status of Affiliation :Permanent / Regular/Provisional( i ) Affiliation No.( ii ) Affiliation with the Board since( iii ) Extension of affiliation uptoProvisional353031020112017
6.Name of Trust/Society/Company Registered under Section 25 of the Company Act. 1956. Period upto which Registration of Trust/Society is validSociety Registered upto 2016
7.List of members of School Managing Committee with their Address/tenure and post heldClick Here
8.Name and official address of the Manager/President/ Chairman/Correspondent( i ) E-mail( ii ) Ph. No.( iii ) Fax No.Ashish Chamoli, Koti Athoorwala , Bhaniyawala


9.Area of School Campus     ( i ) In Acres

( ii ) In Sq. Mtrs.

( iii ) Built up area(sq. Mtrs.)

(iv)Area of Playground in Sq. Mtrs.

02 Acres

8000 Sq. Meters

8400 Sq. Meters

4000 Sq. Meters

10.Details of fee Structure( i ) Pre-Nursery( ii ) Nursery( iii ) I to V( iv ) VI to VIII( v ) IX to X( vi ) XI to XIIClick Here
11.Transport FacilityOwn Buses